4.   代 淨



土凈的次序:立意後,用兩手在潔淨的沙、或土、或石上按拍,然後塗抹臉部,再一拍塗抹兩手至手肘先右後左。完畢時唸「作証言」 (Kalimatun-Shahaadah) 如小淨一樣。


4.    Tayammum

       Tayammum Dry Ablution: In the absence of water or because of the need to avoid water due to the medical reasons,  Tayammum (Dry Ablution) is performed.

       Allah said, If you are ill, or on a journey, and you find no water, perform Tayammum with clean earth and rub therewith your faces and hands.’【443

       The Tayammum procedureAfter making Intention, strike both palms on clean sand (or anything containing sand or dust, like a wall) or a stone.  Pass the palms over the face once.  Strike the sand or a stone again with the palms. Rub the hands up to the elbow, right first then left.  Finish with the word of Testimony (Kalimatun-Shahaadah) as for Minor Ablution (Wudhu).