4.  禮拜程序

4.     Conducts of Prayer

(1)    Adzan and Iqama喚禮與成班詞

Call to Pray and line up for Prayer


Adzan 喚禮Call to Pray



Al laa hu ak bar, Al laa hu ak bar  (2 times)

安拉至大, 安拉至大。(二次)

Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest. (2 times)


Ash ha do al laa i laa ha il lal laah
(2 times)


I bear witness that there is no god but Allah. (2 times)




Ash ha do an na mu ham ma dar ra soo lul lah (2 times)


I bear witness that Muhammed is the Messenger of Allah (2 times)



Hay ya ‘a las swa laah. (2 times)

你們快來禮拜呀! (二次,臉向右)

Come to prayer. (2 times, the face turning to the right)




Hay ya ‘a lal fa laah (2 times)

你們快來得成功呀! (二次,臉向左)

Come to success. (2 times, the face turning to the left)


The following is added here in the call to Fajr prayer:


Asw swa laa tu khai rum mi nan naum. (2 times)


Prayer is better than sleep.  (2 times)



Al laa hu ak bar, Al laa hu ak bar.
 (2 times)

安拉至大, 安拉至大。(二次)

Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest. (2 times)


Laa I laa ha il lal laah.


There is no god but Allah.


Responding Adzan



In hearing the Adzan, you are recommended to repeat the same words silently but you should silently recite the following after hearing “Come to prayer,” and “Come to success,” sentences

La hawla wa la goowwata illa billah


There is no might and no power except with the help of Allah



Dua after Adzan



Dua after the Call to prayer (Adzan):


Allaah-humma rabba ha-dhihid-d da’ wa tit taa ma ti


Oh Allah, the Lord of this perfect call,



Was-swalatil-qaaimah, ati Muhammada nil-wasee lata


And the present prayer, bestow to Muhammad the means of access,



Wal-fadhilah, Wabathhu maqaamam mahmuda nilladzee


and raise him to the position of glory,



Wa ‘at tahu Innaka laa-turkh-liful-mi ‘aad.


which You have promised him, for You are the One who does not back out from promises.



Wal ham du lillaahi rab bil ‘aa la miin.


All praise is to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.



Assembled to Prayer



在喚禮之後,所有穆斯林,(無論男女、個人或集體) 成班禮主命拜之前,應由其中一位禮拜唸“以嘎麥”(成班詞),以示禮拜開始了。唸法與喚禮相同,衹是在“你們快來得成功呀!”後加唸下句:


      After Adzan when Muslims (male or female, single or in-group) assembled at the place of worship, a second call (Iqama) is recited by one of the group. This signals the start of the congregational Fardh Prayer.  It is similar to Adzan except that it is recited faster but in a lower tone and this sentence is recited after Come to success




Qad qaa ma tisw swa laah (2 times)


The Prayer is about to begin (2 times)