(3)      (者那再)  

(3)     Funeral  ( Janazah


這是每個地區全體穆斯林應盡的義務;他們應為歸真的穆斯林舉行殯禮。殯禮與其他的拜功是一樣的,只是不需鞠躬及叩頭,但是須唸四次大讚詞:Allahu Akbar「安拉至大」。程序如下:

       The Janazah Prayer is a prayer to Allah for a deceased Muslim, and is a common obligation on all Muslims of the locality.  It is offered in congregation but, unlike other formal prayers, it has neither any bowing nor any prostration.  Here it is the complete sequence of the Janazah Prayer:


    立 意

Intention of Janazah Prayer



Oo swulli lillahi swalatal Janazah-ti bi arba a takbir raa tin,  muqtadiyan bil imam


For Allah, I determine to perform the Janazah Prayer with four Takbirs following the Imam. 


抬手唸大讚詞 :  (1個大讚詞)             

Raise hands and recite Say the first Takbir:    



 Allaahu Akbar

Allah is the Gretest.


Praising at the beginning of prayer



Subhana kullaa humma wabihamdika wa tabara kusmuka wata ala judduka wa la ilaha ghai-ruk.


O Allah, Glorified, Praise-worthy, and Blessed is Your Name and exalted Your Majesty and there is no god worthy of worship except You.


唸第2個大讚詞 :             

Say the second Takbir:

Allaahu Akbar
Allah is the Greatest



       Recite silently the Darud :

Allaahumma swalli ala Muhammadin wa ala a-li  Muhammadin


O Allah, exalt Muhammad and the family members of Muhammad


kama swallaita ala Ibrahim, wa a-la a-li Ibrahim


as You did exalt Ibrahim and his family members.


in-naka hameedum Majeed


Surely You are the Praised, the Glorious.


Allaahumma ma-barik ala Muhammadin wa ala a-li Muhammadin


O Allah, bless Muhammad and the family members of Muhammad



kama barak-ta ala Ibrahim, wa a-la a-li Ibrahim.


as You did bless Ibrahim and his family members.



‘In-naka hameedum Majeed


Surely You are the Praised, the Glorious.




唸第3個大讚詞 :

Say the third Takbir:


         Allaahu Akbar

Allah is the Greatest 


       Recite silently the Dua :


Allahum maghfirli hayyina wamayyitina Washahidina


O Allah, pardon our living and our dead, the present


wagha’ibinaa Wasaghurina wakabirina Wadhakarina waunthaanaa


and the absent, our young and our old, our male and our female


u        亡者如果是男性接唸下列「杜阿」:

u        If the deceased is male, continue to recite the following Dua:



Allaahumma man ahyaitahu min na fa ahyihi alal Islam

主啊! 祢要我們誰活著,求祢讓他活在伊斯蘭的道路上;

O Allah, whom You accord life among us, cause him to live in the observance of Islam,


Waman tawaf faitahu min na fatawaf fahu alal Iman


and whom You give death, cause him to die in the state of Iman (faith)


u        亡者如果是女性,接唸下列「杜阿」:

u         If the deceased is female substitute the last two lines with the following Dua:


Allaahumma man ahyaitaha min na fa ahyiha alal Islam

主啊! 祢要我們誰活著,求祢讓她活在伊斯蘭的道路上;

O Allah, whom You accord life among us, cause her to live in the observance of Islam;


Waman tawaf faitaha min na fatawaf fa ha alal Iman


and whom you give death, cause her to die in the state of Iman (faith).


唸第4個大讚詞 :

Say the fourth Takbir:

Allaahu Akbar


Allah is the Greatest


       Recite silently the Dua :



Rabbighfir wa-r hum wa anta khairur raahimeen


My Lord! Forgive and have mercy, for You are the Best of those who show mercy.