5. 特別日子的禮拜

5.   Special Occasions


      (1) 星期五的聚禮「主麻日聚禮

(1)  Friday Gathering  (Jumah) 


主 麻 日    

Intention of Jumah

主 麻 日 聚  (聖行)  /  Jumah (Sunnah)



 Oo swulli lillaahi sunnatal Jumati. raka’ataini


For Allah, I determine to perform two rakaats of the Sunnah Jumah Prayer.


主 麻 日 聚  (主命)  /  Jumah (Fardh)


 Oo swulli lillaahi Fartha-lJumati raka’ataini muqtadiyan bil imaam.


For Allah, I determine to perform two rakaats of the Fardh Jumah Prayer following the Imam.



    (2)        兩大節日的「會禮」

     (2)      Two Festival Days (Eids)


Intention of Eid-ul-Fitr Prayer


Oo swulli lillahi swalata Eidel-Fitr raka’ataini muqtadiyan bil imaam.


For Allah, I determine to perform two rakaats of the Eid-ul-Fitr Prayer following the Imam.



Intention of Eid-ul-Adha Prayer

Oo swulli lillahi swalata Eidil-Adha raka’ataini, muqtadiyan bil imaam.

我誠意為主,跟從領導者, 行兩拜宰牲節拜。

For Allah, I determine to perform two rakaats of the Eid-ul-Adha Prayer following the Imam.


Eids Takbir


Eids Glorification



Allaahu akbar, Allaahu akbar, Allaahu akbar.


Allah is the Greatest!(3 times



Laa ilaaha illallaahu wal laahu akbar


None has the right to be worshipped except Allah,

and Allah is the Greatest



Allaahu akbar wa lillaahi hamdu.


Allah is the Greatest and Praises be to Him.
